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4 Ways to Simplify the Law School Application Process

If you can’t find a way to simplify your law school application, perhaps you should think twice about entering law school. Indeed, law school will be harder and more challenging than any other educational experience. Of course, simplifying your application is possible – you just have to find some ways to streamline. Streamlining is critical for the sake of getting through the application with your sanity still intact. If you don’t stay organized or if you don’t find ways to remain resourceful, you could botch the entire experience. Ideally, you want to have a somewhat relaxed experience applying to law schools, because you may become discouraged if you don’t. If you get a rejection letter in the mail, you may be really discouraged. Fortunately, there are a number of ways to streamline when you apply to law school, so that you can comfortably choose your top picks and safety schools.

Here are four ways to simplify the law school application process.

1. Stay as Organized as Possible

The organization is critical – regardless if you are applying to university or online. If you don’t stay organized, you may run the risk of not remembering if you applied to a certain law school or not. It may be hard to believe that you could forget, but you would be surprised. The best way to stay organized is to have a spreadsheet on your computer with different categories highlighted. For instance, the sent applications may be in green, but the unsent applications may be in reading. You could also choose orange for acceptance and blue for rejection.

2. Conduct Your Interview during a Campus Visit

Setting up your meetings during campus visits will kill a number of birds at once. If you have to visit colleges, and then go back to meet the admissions department, it may put a burden on your time constraints and your wallet. Ideally, you want to set this meeting up in advance, because some college admissions officers are very busy. If you introduce yourself early, you have a much higher chance of getting accepted. If you have a second interview, you may want to conduct it on Skype, which is fine if you are traveling or busy.

3. Choose a Certain Number of Colleges to Apply to

Another way to simplify your process is to choose the number of colleges that you are going to apply to. For instance, if you are going to stick to ten colleges, you don’t want to go over. The more colleges you apply to, the messier the process can become. This is why you really want to nail down your top choices.

4. Get Help From a Friend

On top of everything, you may want to consult with a friend – possibly a friend that has been through the same experience. This can make the entire application process so much easier. Moreover, a friend can help copy edit your essay and make sure there are no glaring mistakes anywhere else. In the end, the law school application process doesn’t need to be that complicated – but only if you don’t want it to be.

About Lily Snyder

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